Preview Features
Curtis Fred Nash avatar
Written by Curtis Fred Nash
Updated over a week ago

The menu at the top of the previewer in Revver provides you with a number of options to make specific modifications to documents, all without requiring you to check the document out of Revver.


The search function allows you to search for text contained within a document


Note: when it comes to image files like pdfs, the files will have to have been properly indexed/processed through a pdf editor's OCR engine in order for that text to be searchable via the previewer in Revver)


The annotate function allows you to add different annotations (text boxes, approval stamps, etc) to your documents in Revver.



The redact function allows you to redact specific information within a document (or even entire pages).



The e-sign function allows you to place your signature on a document straight from the previewer (no additional third party electronic signature software needed)


Form Template

The form template function allows you to set up specific requirements on a document that need be performed (for example, setting up a signature space allows you to leave a space for another user to apply a signature to).

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