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Form Fill

Using the Form Fill Feature in Revver

Eddie Carrillo avatar
Written by Eddie Carrillo
Updated over 3 months ago

The Form Fill feature allows users to take existing documents inside of Revver and add form fillable fields to that document.

Access/Permissions Requirements

A user will need a full user license with the user permission Form Fill selected within Work Features:

Item Permissions

  • Form Designer Mode - To enter Form Designer mode in the Revver previewer, the user only needs the ‘View’ permission on the item. Having only the ‘View’ permission allows them to design form fillable documents and save them to the document itself as well as a template of the document.

  • Form Fill Mode - Users with only the ‘Read’ permission may access the ‘Form Fill’ mode in the Revver previewer and can see any boxes/fields that have been added to it. They may even type into the field, however, without the ‘Write’ permission to that document, they may not confirm their changes/entries into the document. Users will require the ‘Write’ permission to save any information they’ve entered into those fields.

Limitations & Notes

  • Only PDF files are supported currently with a Form Fill.

  • The fields and boxes added to the document in the Form Designer mode are only available inside of Revver . They will not appear in any outside application (Adobe, Foxit, Browsers, etc.).

  • The text and information typed into boxes added to the document and then confirmed are available/visible outside of Revver. The text/information, when you hit ‘Confirm’, is flattened into the document itself.

  • When text/information is added to the document and subsequently confirmed, that document becomes stored as a new version of that document. Prior versions are stored and accessible through the Revver versioning system.

Feature Usage

Form Designer Mode


To access Form Designer Mode, first preview a document inside of Revver. Look to the top left of the Revver previewer for a drop down menu that should, by default, be on the ‘View’ mode. Click on that to access a drop down menu of previewer features and select ‘Form Designer’ at the bottom of the list.

Usage - Form Designer Fields

Once in Form Designer Mode, the user gains access to a number of new feature buttons at the top of the previewer.

All fields are drawn onto the document by first clicking on the option and then clicking and dragging on the document to define both the location and the size of that field on the document.


Pan allows you to click and drag to move your view of the document.


The Signature feature allows the user to place a field on the document that, when in form fill mode, allows the user to then draw or type in their signature.

Signatures In Form Fill Mode

When in form fill mode, clicking on a signature field will bring up a menu that allows the user to choose between drawing a signature or typing it in.

Selecting ‘Draw a New Signature’ changes the view to a box with a signature line, which the user can then draw on with their mouse. Saving the signature will allow the signature to be used on other documents in signature fields.

Selecting ‘Type a New Signature’ changes the view to a box with a text field. When text is entered into the box, a number of font choices are then displayed for the user to choose from, allowing them to customize how their typed signature will appear. Saving the typed signature will allow it to be used on other documents in signature fields.

At the bottom left of the signature designer window, ‘Set as Default’ is checked. When checked, that signature will become the default signature for that user and will be entered automatically whenever the user clicks on a signature field in a document in form fill mode.

Users may also delete or create additional signatures, whether drawn or typed, for them to use on other documents.

When no default signature is detected, clicking on a signature field in form fill mode will direct the user to select an existing signature or to create/type a new one.

Signatures are also user specific, signatures created by one user are not accessible by another. Signatures cannot be transferred or copied to other users.


The Initials feature allows the user to place a field on the document that, when in form fill mode, allows the user to then draw or type in their initials.

Initials in Form Fill Mode

Initial fields function very similar to signature fields. When clicking on an initial field on the document in form fill mode will bring up a menu that allows the user to choose between drawing a set of initials or typing them out.

Initials created in form fill mode are saved so that they can be accessed when initializing other documents in form fill mode.

If the user saves a set of initials as their default, it will be entered automatically when clicking on an initial field.

Text Box

Text boxes allow the user to add text box fields to their documents.

Text Boxes in Form Fill Mode

When selected in form fill mode, the text box allows the user to enter any text they choose into the box.


Date fields allow the user to place a field on a document that, when edited in form fill mode, prompts the user to select a date to enter into the field.

Date Fields in Form Fill Mode

When the date field is clicked on in form fill mode, a small window appears where the user can select the month, date, and year of their intended date. It is then entered into the field in a MM/DD/YYYY format.


Checkbox fields allow the user to add checkboxes to their documents.

Checkboxes in Form Fill Mode

Upon clicking the box, a check mark is added to the field..

Usage - Profile Mapping

The fields added to a document in form designer mode can be mapped to existing profile fields and profile sets. At the top of the Revver previewer in form designer mode should be two drop down menus for profile items and profile.

Profile Item

Profile item allows the user to select which existing profile item to map a field to. To utilize it, the user clicks on the field option they wish to add to the document and then the profile item they wish to map it to from the drop down list.

When text or information is then entered into that field in form fill mode, that information is mapped to the document's profile information in Revver, even if there is no profile applied to that document.

If no profile is attached to the document, the profile items are added to the document and the information is added, which is then visible when viewing the profile information of that document.


The profile selection at the top of the Revver previewer in form designer mode allows the user to choose a profile set to apply to the document.

Fields mapped to profile items present in that profile set will be filled with the information the user enters into that document when in form fill mode.

Usage - Field Settings

Once a field has been placed on the document in form designer mode, it will appear in a list on the right hand side of the previewer, to the right of the document preview itself.

Clicking on one of the fields listed there will open up settings specific to that field. The settings options that appear allow the user to do the following:

  • Name the field using the Field ID box.

  • Change the type of field that it is.

  • Access field options such as making it ‘required’.

  • Map the field to an existing profile item.

  • Text Box Fields ONLY - Making the text field capable of handling multi-line blocks of text

  • If roles have been defined, selecting which role the field pertains to.

  • Change the alignment of the text entered into that field.

  • Changing the font of the text entered into that field.

  • Changing the color of the text entered into that field.

Usage - Settings

The Form Designer settings are accessed from the gear icon at the top right of the previewer when in form designer mode, labeled as ‘Settings’.

When clicked, a small window appears at the center of the Revver previewer. In the window are two tabs, ‘Font’ and ‘Roles’.

The font tab allows the user to choose the default font and color used in the fields they design in form designer mode.

The role tab allows the user to define signer roles for use with the fields they add to their documents. These roles can then be attached to fields so designate which role should be entering information into which field.

As of writing this document, roles defined are document specific. Defining a role and then saving the document will only make those roles available to the document it was saved to. Those roles are not accessible in other documents and will need to be re-defined in the form designer settings menu.

Form Fill Mode


To access Form Fill Mode, first preview a document inside of Revver. Look to the top left of the Revver previewer for a drop down menu that should, by default, be on the ‘View’ mode. Click on that to access a drop down menu of previewer features and select ‘Form Fill’.


Form fill mode is fairly self explanatory. When the Revver previewer is in form fill mode for a document that has had fields added to it, those fields become visible and text fillable.

On the left hand side of the previewer in form fill mode will be a ‘To Do’ list of fields to be filled. These forms will be named how they were named in the form designer mode, by their field ID.

At the top of the Revver previewer will be a ‘Next’ button that the user can use to tab to the next field in the list.

At the time of writing this document, roles are not defined or visible in Form Fill mode. It does not differentiate between which fields need to be signed by which role. Recommended usage is that the user, when designing the fields in form designer mode, names the fields according to who needs to enter information into it.

Form Fill Templates


Feature Keys

To save a document as a template, the Revver account must have the Advanced Templates feature.

System Permissions

To save a document edited in the Form Designer Mode, that user must have the ‘Template Management’ system permission applied to their user account. If they do not, they cannot utilize the “Save copy to template” option when saving the document from the form designer.

Item Permissions

To apply a template to any location in Rubex, the user must have ‘Write’ permissions to that location.

Usage - Saving as a Template

To save a document from form designer mode as a template, click on the small arrow at the top right of the previewer window, to the right of the ‘Save’ button. This should bring down a small drop down menu that gives the user the option to select ‘Save copy as a template’.

This option will save the document as a predefined upload in the new Form Fill Template Library accessible from the Templates option in the Admin panel.

Usage - Viewing Current Templates

To view a saved template, the user will first need to head to their admin panel by clicking on the three-bar icon at the top left of the Revver page and select ‘Admin’. In the admin panel, the user clicks on ‘Templates’.

The user should see a new library visible, named ‘Form Fill Template Library’. Inside of that will be a ‘Default’ template that will house the template documents saved from the form designer.

Usage - Applying a Form Fill Template

Similar to applying a normal template, the user will right click on a location (drawer, folder) and select ‘Apply Template’.

In the window that appears, the user can select the document from within the Form Fill Template Library to apply to that location. They optionally have the ability to click on ‘Select Multiple’ at the bottom of the template application window, so that they may select and choose multiple documents or templates to apply to that location.

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