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The Automation Tab

This article details the automation options available in the automation tab

Ty Toon avatar
Written by Ty Toon
Updated this week

Certain actions and notifications within Revver can be automated by adding automation to a container. In this article we will go over the automation actions available in the automation tab and what they do.

Access/Permissions Requirements

In order to access the automation tab you will need to have a full user license. You will also need the 'Automation' permission selected under your 'User Permissions':

This option is preselected if using the 'Full Features' or 'Admin' permissions presets:

Adding Automation To a Container

Automation can be placed on a Cabinet, Drawer or Folder.

Step 1 - Navigating To the Automation Tab

Select the container that you wish to add automation to, and then in the side-sheet select the automation tab (bell icon):

Step 2 - Select, Edit and Save the Automation Action

Under Action, select the drop down menu to select an action and define the action that will be taken and when it will be taken. Be sure to hit save when done. We will go into more detail on each of the options in the section below.

Automation Actions

In this section we will go over what each of the automation actions does and how to set them up.

Apply Template

The 'Apply Template' Action will allow you to automatically apply a folder template to any new containers created within the item you are adding this automation action to. This can be used to automatically add folders to drawers created within a cabinet when applied on a cabinet. It can also be used to automatically add folders to newly created folders when the automation action is applied on a drawer:

Select the 'Select Template' button to bring up the menu that allows you to choose which template you would like to be added automatically to new containers (drawers, folders). Be sure to hit save after adding your template.


The 'Email' action allows you to automatically email a user within Revver when specific item actions are taken on the items within the container:

You can select which users or groups you would like to receive an email within the users box:

After selecting your users/groups you will then want to check the box for what item actions you want to be notified of. The options are:

  • A file is downloaded - Checking this box will email the selected users any time an item is downloaded from this container.

  • A file is uploaded - Checking this box will email the selected users any time an item is stored to this container.

  • A file or folder is deleted - Checking this box will email the selected users any time an item is deleted within this container.

  • A file or folder is moved into this location - Checking this box will email the selected users any time an item is moved into this container.

After checking off what actions you want to be emailed about automatically, be sure to hit save to save this automation action.


The 'Notify' action is similar to the 'Email action. The difference between the two is that the 'Notify' action will automatically send a notification instead of an email. Notifications are within Revver. Notifications will show up under the 'Work you care about' section of the homepage and the 'Bell Icon' in the upper right corner:

You can select which users or groups you would like to receive a notification within the users box:

Just like with the 'Email' action, you will want to select what item actions to notify the users of after selecting the users and groups that you want to automatically notify:

  • A file is downloaded - Checking this box will notify the selected users any time an item is downloaded from this container.

  • A file is uploaded - Checking this box will notify the selected users any time an item is stored to this container.

  • A file or folder is deleted - Checking this box will notify the selected users any time an item is deleted within this container.

  • A file or folder is moved into this location - Checking this box will notify the selected users any time an item is moved into this container.

After checking off what actions you want to be notified automatically, be sure to hit save to save this automation action.

Start Workflow

The 'Start Workflow' option will allow you to automatically kick off a workflow when specific item actions take place within the container you have added the automation action to.

First we will want to check a box to select the item action(s) that will start the workflow:

  • A file is uploaded - Checking this box will start the selected workflow any time a file is uploaded to this container.

  • A folder is created in this location - Checking this box will start the selected workflow any time a folder is created in this container.

  • A file is moved into this location - Checking this box will start the selected workflow any time a file is moved into this container.

  • A folder is moved into this location - Checking this box will start the selected workflow any time a folder is moved into this container.

  • A profile item value is changed on a file in this location - Checking this box will start the selected workflow any time a profile item is updated on a file within this container.

  • A profile item value is changed on a folder in this location - Checking this box will start the selected workflow any time a profile item is updated on a folder within this container.

Note: When using the profile item change options, they will kick off the associated workflow both when profile information is added to an item for the first time AND when profile information is updated.

Warning: Selecting multiple actions will mean that the selected actions can each start the workflow.

After selecting your item action(s) you will next want to select the 'Select Workflow' button to choose what workflow the item actions will start. After choosing your workflow hit 'Select' and be sure to hit 'Save' to save this automation action to the container.

API Callouts

The 'API Callouts' action allows data to be sent to an external system via webhook. Typically before using this action in the automation tab you will have already configured an API integration.

The application's/software's webhook URL will need to be placed in the 'URL' textbox:

At least one 'When' action will need to be selected in order to utlize API Callout automation:

You can test if the connection is working by clicking 'Test request' button which will show 'Success' once completed:

Be sure to save any automation action added by selecting 'Save in the lower lefthand corner.

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