Guest User Experience
Curtis Fred Nash avatar
Written by Curtis Fred Nash
Updated over a week ago

Once a Revver account has shared an item, or location with an email it will automatically set up a free guest account under the email in question. The Guest user will receive two emails that will look like the following.

As a guest user you will first want to select the email labeled 'New User'. Once inside the email it will look like the email below, please select 'Get Started' in order to create a password for your new Revver guest user account.

Once your Password has been created you will be taken to the Revver Login screen where you will first input your email address into the 'Username' field. After entering your email, you will then be asked for your 'Password' ; this is the same password that you created from your email. After which you will select the 'Sign in' button.

After you log in you will be met with the following screen, as a guest user you are limited in which features you have access to. From this screen you can access 'Documents' and 'Document Requests'.

Once inside the 'Documents' tab the following will be displayed.

You can navigate inside this window by selecting items in the center panel by clicking twice. Once the account has been selected all drawers and folders that have been shared with you will be displayed in the center of your screen.

For more information on uploading your documents once inside of Revver please check out our FAQ on uploading documents.

If you have further questions did you know that we offer interactive trainings here:

โ€‹If you have technical difficulties, or encounter errors, please contact our technical service team at:

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