There are three different license types for Revver:
A user account with a Full license assigned has access to all available system permissions. Full licenses give the greatest potential for what a user can access.
You can review details about each User Permission option here:
A user account with an Essential license assigned has base level features. There is a breakdown of what a user with a Essentials license can do (which you can pick and choose from to meet your needs):
Files & Structure
File Versioning - enables users to view and edit all file versions
Search - enables users to Search
Check In/Out - enables users to check out files and check them back in with/without changes
Previewer Tools - Gives access to previewer tools such as form designer and annotate
Create Modify Structure - Enables users to create cabinets, drawers, and folders (in order to apply templates to structure you will need to have this permission enabled)
Profiles - enables users to access profile information on files and drawers/folders.
Item Permissions Control - gives users access to the Item Permissions pane for files and folders
Work Features
Workflow Approval - Enables users to be workflow approvers
eSignature - Gives users access to send eSignature requests
Sharing - Enables users to share files and folders to which they have access
Access Links - Enables users to create and send Access Links
Users with a guest license assigned have more limited access from either a Full or Essentials licensed user. Guest users can have access to drawers, folders, and files. They cannot access cabinet(s). The following is all that a guest user can do:
View - guest users can preview documents.
Download - can view file(s) and download copies of file(s) they have access to
Write - can view, download, and upload documents (must have Write permissions on a drawer or a folder)
Delete - can view, download, upload documents, and can ONLY delete files which that guest user uploaded.
Complete forms - guest users can complete forms while previewing a document (by clicking on Form Fill in the previewer toolbar).
All Custom Permissions
Files & Structure
File Versioning - Enable users to view and edit all file versions
File Password - Enable users to add a password on a file
Enables users to search
Enables users to check out files
Previewer Tools - Gives access to the previewer tools like form designer and annotate
Governance - Gives users access to the Governance pane for files and folders. (Adding or editing governance policies requires certain access permissions on the item)
Create modify Structure - Enables users to create cabinets, drawers, and folders (in order to apply templates you will need to have this permission enabled)
View Audit logs - Gives users access to view item audit logs
Profiles - Enables users to access profile information on files and folders
Personal Providers - Enables user to add integrated Products (Google Drive, OneDrive)
Item Permissions Control - Gives users access to the Item Permissions pane for files and folders
Sharing - Enables users to share files and folders to which they have access
Access Links - Enables users to create and send Access Links
Work Features
Document Requests - Gives users access to create and send Document Requests and Document Request Templates
Workflow - Enables users to create and participate in workflows
Workflow Approval - Enables users to be workflow approvers
Automation - Enables users to set and manage an automation on a folder or file, like starting a workflow
eSignature - Gives users access to send eSiganture requests
Form Fill - Gives users access to create forms via the Form Designer
Revver Reports - Gives user access to create and view Revver Reports
Work Management
Profile Management - Enables users to create, edit, and delete profiles and profile items
File Management - Gives access to the recycling bin and file processing queue
Template Management - Enables users to create, edit, and delete all folder templates and Form Fill Templates in this account
Workflow Management - Enables users to create, edit, and delete all workflows in this account
eSignature Management - Enables users to edit and delete all eSignature requests in this account.
Item Permissions Override - Enables users to override permissions on items in this account
Document Request Management - Enables users to create and manage Document Requests and Document Request Templates in this account
Account Management
User Management - Enables users to manage all user types and licenses
Session Management - Enables users to view and manage user sessions in the account
Group Management - Enables users to create, edit, and manage groups
Access Link Management - Enables users to edit and delete all Access Links in this account
Enterprise Security Management - Gives user access to create and manage account level security policies
System Settings - Gives users access to system settings like account name, plan details, branding controls, etc.
Governance Management - Enables users to unlock governance settings and manage governance change reasons
Salesforce Management - Gives users access to manage account Salesforce integration
Audit Logs Management - Gives users access to account level audit logs.
If you have further questions did you know that we offer interactive trainings here:
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