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How Do I Use the CSV Import Tool?
How Do I Use the CSV Import Tool?

Step by step instructions on using the CSV Import Tool in Revver.

Written by Christopher W.
Updated over 4 months ago

The CSV import tool can be used to create drawers, folders, guests, users, and even groups inside of Revver. Before you can use it however, you will need to create the data you are trying to import. This data, in the form of a CSV file, can be created from most spreadsheet programs, such as Excel or Google Sheets.

Access & Permissions Requirements

In order to access and make use of the CSV import tool, you must have a full user license. Essentials user license holders may not access the CSV import tool because they cannot be granted any of the 'Management' user permissions.

For user permissions, the user must have the ability to create structure items (drawers, folders, etc.) and edit profiles, but must also have the ability to manage users, groups, and access the system settings.

For item permissions, the user must have the ability to create and edit structure in a cabinet if they are using the CSV import tool to create structure.

Formatting your CSV for Import

The first thing to understand about using the CSV import tool in Revver is how the data in the CSV needs to be organized

The types of information in your CSV must be organized by column. We recommend naming each column according to their contents. E.g. a column for first and last name, a column for their email address, etc.

Here are some formatting tips:

  • If you are using the CSV import tool to create drawers or folders for your clients, format the name in the order you want it to appear on the created drawer. E.g. 'John Doe' or 'Doe, John',

  • Additionally, when using the tool to create drawers, make sure the clients name is in the same column. Separating first and last name into different columns will result in you only being able to create drawer names based on their first name, or their last name. Columns cannot be combined when using them for naming locations created by the tool.

  • Make sure there are no duplicates in any column that is being used to name a location. If there are two 'John Doe's in a column, the tool will return with an error and won't be able to complete it. But if 'John Doe' and 'Jane Doe' have the same phone number that is being added to profile information, you should not encounter any problems.

The example CSV shown in the screenshot above will be available for download at the bottom of this article. It is provided only as an example of how to format a CSV for importing, we do not recommend using it to create any drawers, folders, or to create users with.

Navigating to the CSV Import Tool

To locate the CSV import tool, start by clicking on the 'All Features' option on the left hand side of your screen. Select 'Utilities'.

Within the 'Utilities' page, locate the 'CSV Import' tab near the top of the page.

Using the CSV Import Tool

The first step to using the CSV import tool is always to upload your CSV.

Step 1 - Upload your CSV.

Using the 'Browse' button on the CSV Import tool page, select the CSV file you want to import from your computer.

The CSV we have imported in this example has a header that signifies what is in each column. If your CSV has a header for each column, select the 'Use First Line as Header' option.

Step 2 - Select the options you want

This tool gives you the power to choose how you want this data to be imported. With it you can create users or groups, but you can also use it to create directories.

Optional Selection - Create Users or Groups

To create users or groups with the CSV import tool, check the box labeled 'Create Users or Groups'.

Note that you cannot use the same CSV to create both users and groups, you must perform separate CSV imports to create both a set of users and a set of groups.

Option 1 - Creating Users

If you're creating users, make sure the 'User' radial option is selected.

Selecting License Type

Now choose which license type you want to provide these created users with. All users contained in this CSV will be provided with the same license type.

Selecting User Email Column

Then select which column will be used for the users email address.

Please note that every Revver user must be created with an email address. If your CSV does not include the email addresses for the users that are to be created, the tool will fail to create them.

With the user license and user email column selected, additional optiosn will appear. These options are not required to be used in order to import users from a CSV, but are provided to enhance the capabilities of the import tool.

Optional - Assign Group Membership

One of the options at your disposal is the ability to assign the users created by this import to a group. This can be an existing group or a new one. Each user created by this import will be assigned to the same chosen group if this option is selected.

To assign the created users to a group, check the box and type in the name of the group you want them to be assigned to. The text box will autocomplete any groups already in existence, but entering a new group name will result in the group being created automatically.

Optional - Assign a Profile

When used in conjunction with a user account, profiles can be utilized to add or attach additional information to a user. For example, their address, phone number, account number, etc. Any information we don't provide a field for on the user account can be added by attaching a profile.

To add a profile to the created user accounts, select which profile you want to attach from the drop down menu.

Once a profile is selected, a row and drop down menu will appear for each profile item within that profile. Use the drop down menus to relate each profile item type to the column that contains the associated data.

Option 2 - Creating Groups

If you are instead creating user groups with your CSV import, select the 'Group' radial option on the 'Role Type to Create' section of the page.

Choosing Group Name Column

Next, using the drop down menu, choose which column will represent the names of each group that will be created by this CSV import.

Optional - Assigning Group Membership

Groups can be assigned to another group within Revver, so if you wish for the group(s) you are creating with this import to be members of another group, you can do so by checking the box and typing in the name of the group these groups will belong to.

Optional - Assign a Profile

Groups can also have profile information assigned to them to attach additional information. To assign a profile, select the profile you wish to assign from the drop down menu.

You can then use the drop down menus next to each profile item type to choose which column will be used to fill it out.

Optional Selection - Create Directories

CSV importing in Revver can be used to create drawers named using the data in your CSV. It is a powerful way to create a lot of locations really quickly.

Creating Directories

With your CSV selected using the 'Browse' button, check the option for 'Create Directories'.

Selecting Directory Name Column

Once the directory creation option is selected, the 'Directory Name Column' option will appear.

Use the drop down menu on the right to select which column in the selected CSV will be use to name the drawers.

Select a Location for the Import

Revver will then ask you where you want this import to take place. CSV imports can create drawers or folders, and can take place inside of a cabinet, drawer, or folder.

Using the pop-up window that appears on screen, choose the location you want the CSV import to create directories in.

Optional - Assign a Profile

Directories can have profiles assigned to them that allow you to attach additional information. For directories and files within Revver, this allows you to search for the information contained in those profile fields and find them associated files or locations in your results.

To assign a profile, use the drop down menu to select which profile you wish to assign to the created directories.

A list of profile fields, with drop down menus located to the right, will appear once you've selected a profile. Use the drop down menus to choose which column in your CSV the profile information will be pulled from.

Step 3 - Complete the Import

Once you've completed configuring the options you want to use for this import, click on the 'Import' button at the bottom of the page.

Once the import is complete, you will receive a pop-up that contains a brief log going over each CSV and indicating success.

Additional Tips & Info

- You can use both import functions at the same time by checking the options. For example, creating users and directories from the same CSV.

- While creating both users and groups from the same CSV is not possible, you have the option of choosing a single group that CSV imported users or groups will be a member of.

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Example CSV File - This is provided only as an example on how to organize your data within a CSV. We do not recommend using this in an import to Revver.

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