User Management
Curtis Fred Nash avatar
Written by Curtis Fred Nash
Updated over a week ago

How to manage Users in my account.

Editing user permissions, license information, groups, and login assistance like resetting a password are all very important features and all of them are managed within your account!

To begin please access your Navigation menu by clicking on the menu expansion button in the top left. when the menu expands please click on the "all features" button.

Within the "All Features Menu" under your "People" tab select "Users"

You will now be looking at your user menu, you should see a list of all users on the account including:

  • Usernames (These are the email addresses the users make use of to logon)

  • Display Name (This is a name selected for the user to make auditing easier as well as documenting a name to the email)

  • User Type (This just reviews the license attached to a user)

To Edit a single user: To edit a user simply begin by hovering over their name this will highlight the user in a darker gray and three icons will appear on the right of this information those icons can be clicked on to do the following:

  • #1 Reset Password Email: This sends an email to help a user create a new password for their user profile.

  • #2 Create Access Link: This will generate a link that when clicked will automatically access that user's account with no login needed.

  • #3 Delete User: This will remove the user from the account entirely.

This page is also used for Creating new users with the Add User Button located in the top right.


#1 - User Information

This is where you can create and edit user login IDs and their display names.

#2 - Profile Information

This section has a drop-down menu you can use to select the profile that you wish to apply to or change for this user.

#3 - Security Policy

This drop-down menu is used for selecting a security policy or removing a policy!

#4 - User Licenses

This section is for selecting a user license to use with the user.

#5 - User Permissions

User Permissions are managed here, you can select a pre- created bundle based on the type of user they are, Or you can create a custom set of permissions to maximize efficiency of a users access!

#6 - Groups

This section will show you any groups that this user can be applied to this will make them inherit the behavior and permissions of the group!

#7 - Item Permissions

All locations this user has access to will be listed here unless they are permissions inherited by a group. You can edit these permissions by checking and Unchecking the boxes next to each item

#8 - Final Steps

This section is to finalize any edits made to a user or to finalize the creation of a user account!

If you have further questions did you know that we offer interactive trainings here:

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