After creating a profile, a profile can be added to Container such as: Cabinet, Drawer, Folder or even a file. This article will help you add the profile.
From the Menu Button, select Documents.
On the Folder View, select the container you will like to add the profile to (In the example below, I selected a drawer).
On the details pane (Right pane) ‘select’ the profile icon (clipboard icon) and select the edit button.
On the profile dropdown you will select the profile you want to add to the container and fill out the information you need.
Once you are done adding/filling out the information on the profile, scroll down and select the “Update Profile” to save changes.
Note: There is a “Add Info” button also showing. This button will allow you to add another column as ‘additional information’.
You will select the “Add Info” button and will open a window to select the additional information you will like to add. Select the item by ‘checking’ the box and click on “+Add Items.”
It will show as “Additional Information” on the profile.