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How do I see my account storage limit?
How do I see my account storage limit?

This article will help find out your account storage, how much space you have in use and total of the Cabinet, Drawer and file are created.

Eddie Carrillo avatar
Written by Eddie Carrillo
Updated over a week ago

How much storage space do I have on my account and how much is currently in use?

1. Navigate to full features and ‘select’ Account settings / Account drop down and “Account Settings”

2. On “Account Details” > “DATA” will provide you the space used and total space on the account.

How Do I check the total of files, and directories (Cabinets, Drawers, folders) my account has?

1. From the “Documents” option, on the left panel will ‘select’ the Building Icon (My account/Company name)

2. ‘Select’ the “details” icon the the right detail panel and ‘select’ Properties

3. This will load you the information on the file count and directory account. ( It can take a few minutes to load depending on your data)

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