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Apply Template - Automation Settings
Apply Template - Automation Settings
Curtis Fred Nash avatar
Written by Curtis Fred Nash
Updated over a week ago

Automation settings in Revver allow you to automate certain functions to occur after a specific action takes place. This guide covers how to automate template applications that occur when a new location (e.g. drawer or folder) is created.

Automation settings that are set to apply a template can be added to cabinets, drawers, and folders. In the case of cabinets, the template application will occur when a new drawer is created in it. For drawers and folders, it occurs when a new sub-folder is created in them.

How it Works

To set up an automatic template application, first make sure you are on the ‘Documents’ view. Click on the ‘Menu Expansion’ button at the top left of the Revver page and select 'Documents'.

Once in your ‘Documents’ view, click on a cabinet, drawer, or folder. For the purposes of this guide, the example provided will be a cabinet. With the item selected, click on the ‘Automation’ button on the right side of the ‘Details Pane’ in Revver.

Once selected, the ‘Details Pane’ should expand out to show the ‘Automation’ settings pane. Any existing automation settings will appear listed in the details pane. Create a new one by clicking on the '+' icon at the top right.

Once clicked, you will be greeted with the following options on the ‘Details Pane’.

Clicking on the drop down menu will reveal the following options, select 'Apply Template'.

Once selected, you should see another option appear that allows you to select a template from your existing templates list.

Click on 'Select Template' and choose a template from your ‘Template Library’.

Once you've selected a template, you should see the name of the template listed next to the 'Select Template' button, which should now instead read 'Change Template'.

Once you are satisfied with your select, hit 'Save' to confirm it, it should then be listed in the automations settings of the ‘Details Pane’.

Editing an Existing Automation Setting

In order to edit an existing automation setting, first click on the item you want to alter the automation setting for, then click on the ‘Automation’ button in the ‘Details Pane’ on the far right of your screen in Revver.

With your mouse, hover over the automation setting you wish to edit and click on the ‘Edit’ icon to re-open the automation settings options so you can alter them as necessary.

Removing An Automation Setting

In order to remove an existing automation setting, first click on the item you want to remove the automation setting from, then click on the ‘Automation’ button in the ‘Details Pane’ on the far right of your screen in Revver.

With your mouse, hover over the automation setting you wish to delete and click on the trash can icon to delete it.

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