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Managing a Report - Reports
Managing a Report - Reports
Curtis Fred Nash avatar
Written by Curtis Fred Nash
Updated over a week ago

You can Edit, Share, Schedule, or Delete an existing dashboard by hovering over the dashboard in the left panel.


After a report has been created and saved, you can Save Snaps of that report which will save a version of the report with the corresponding data that you can go back and view at a later time. This provides a way to track and view how your data may be changing over time.



A report can be scheduled to run and create a Snap so that you do not need to manually save snaps. The scheduling functionality also enables you to specify recipients to receive a copy of the report whenever it is set to run.


We encourage you to set up a basic report and send it to yourself to get a hands-on feel for how it works. If you want to learn more about specific object types and some of the deeper configuration options, let us know. We are happy to answer any questions and direct you to additional resources

If you have further questions did you know that we offer interactive trainings here:

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